Moving to the Hebrides

Opening the back door for the Cat to venture out, I stood breathing in the stillness of the morning air as the grass heavy with a thick spreading of dew slept on.  A beautiful but deceiving morning, perfect midgey weather. Usually the horrible little things don’t bother me. I get bitten here and there butContinue reading “Moving to the Hebrides”

I watch the sunrise

Waiting for the rubbish removal is a momentous occasion in our household. As Noah has become accustomed to patiently await its appearance at the gate steps. Clutching his own much loved plastic bin truck in his hands. Mustard coloured with a small lift up lid it is well played with and well loved. The truckContinue reading “I watch the sunrise”

Said the robin to the sparrow

With Elizabeth perched on my hip, the sea expanded before me and a breeze blown from the east warmed my face. It had been consecutively warm for a good handful of days in the Hebrides and I was enjoying the freedom it brought. When I say warm. I mean 12 degrees. Which when paired withContinue reading “Said the robin to the sparrow”